Our Veterinary Surgeons Marc Worley BVSc CertAVP (GSAS) MRCVS and Antonia Auty BVSc CertAVP(GSAS) MRCVS are certificate holders in general small animal surgery. They are very happy to take referrals for soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery, including:
- Cruciate surgery
- Patella luxation
- Fracture fixation
- Head neck and thoracic surgery
- Urogenital surgery
- Gastronintestinal and hepatic (liver) surgery
- Subcutaneous ureteral bypass for management of ureteral stones
- Surgical oncology (surgical treatment of tumours)
For further details about soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery at Animed Veterinary Hospital please contact us via referrals@animedvets.co.uk or call 07826 916 891.